This function prepares a structure that defines all aspects of an input type: UI creation, UI updating, observer function and string representation of the input value.

  create.ui = function(x, ns = identity, value = NULL) {     tags$div(id =
    session$ns(x$id)) },
  default.value = "",
  params.list = list(),
  update.ui = function(x, session) { },
  get.input = function(x, session) {     return(list(session$input[[x$id]])) },
  set.input = function(x, session, value) {     update.ui(x, session, value) },
  as.value = function(x, session = NULL, value = NULL) {     if (is.null(value))       
      value <- getHandler(x)$get.input(x, session)[[1]]     value <- as.character(value) 
       if (length(value) > 1)          stop("input must have length 1.")    
    return(value) },
  as.string = function(x, session, value = NULL) {     getHandler(x)$as.value(x,
    session, value) %>% toString },
  as.source = function(x, session = NULL, value = NULL) {     getHandler(x)$as.value(x,
    session, value) %>% as.character },
  observer = function(x, session) { }



function used to create the input UI.


default value of this input type


list of parameters used by the input type. Each element of the list describes a parameter and has the following members: name (pretty name of the parameter), type (one of character, numeric, logical, choices), choices (when type is choices, the vector of allowed values), default (default value).


function used to update the input UI.


function that returns the raw input(s) from the session$input object as a list.


function that transforms the value from get.input() to the appropriate format for the input type. If value is provided, then the function tries to coerce this value to the appropriate type.


function that transforms the value from as.value() to source code.


actions to be taken as an observer of any reactive expression(s).


the list of functions to handle the the input type.


The default functions assume a single input and return the value without transformations get.input() returns a list of one element, as.value unlists this element, and as.source() returns that value as a character value.